"Turn right, here!" Dale said and pointed to a dirt track that lead as far as the eye could see. He'd read there was a little hermitage (chapel) that might be worth a look. After a couple of kilometres down a road of pot-holes with Dale, as usual, worrying about the tyres every time I hit one which was unavoidable, we reached a small car park.

This is when we walked into what felt like the most perfect movie set. Tens of Condors eerily circled above us as we negotiated the footpath following the signs to the hermitage. Rounding the corner we were hit by the most incredible view. A river that cut a huge winding gorge around a building perched on the rock in the middle, cliffs dropping down from all sides. A vista that wouldn't look out of place in an adventure movie. The Hermitage of San Frutos... was the Holy Grail within in our grasp? Sorry, I got carried away.

Most of it is a ruin which you can freely wander around. However, one remaining central room is still used as a chapel. It must be quite a trek for a Sunday service. I suppose it's lasted quite well considering it's been around since the 8th Century.